経歴  Biography

1977年埼玉県出身。画家。花屋勤務を経てフリーランスのイラストレーターとして書籍・雑誌・webなどでイラストや漫画の仕事を手がけながら、画家として活動。Reddot Art Fair in London(2013)・Affordable Art Fair in London(2016)など国内外で作品展示発表多数。2005年イラストエッセイ本『タイは今日も海色』を共著で出版。幼少期に多くの転居を経験。絵の表現を通じて人と場と繋がり対話する喜びを見出す。人は孤独ではなく全ての生命は繋がり影響し合い調和しているというテーマで、一つ一つの命の形のユニークさを織物のように描くようになる。また、古来から世界各地に残り続ける文様の、人種や言語・時間や空間を超える普遍性に着目。形を描くことは全てへの祈りであると確信しながら描く。様々な素材を用いて表現。主にアクリルを使用。近年は、生活空間により溶け込む「自然としてのアート」を追求し、半立体的表現を試みている。



yushi sato was born in 1977 in Saitama Prefecture. After working at a flower shop, she began her illustrator career and has been creating illustrations and mangas for books, magazines,and websites, as well as being an artist on the side. She has presented her works at several overseas such as the Reddot Art Fair in Miami(2013) and Affordable Art Fair in London(2016). In 2005,she co-authored and published the illustration essay book,"タイは今日も海色"(Even today,Thailand is ocean-colored). She experienced moving often during her childhood. She realized the joy of connecting and interacting with people and places through her art expressions. Through her theme that people are not lonely and all lives are connected, influenced and harmonious, she weaves together and draws each individual shape of life and its uniqueness. She also focuses on the common knowledge surrounding race, language, time, and space and patterns that have remained around the world since ancient times. She creates with the certainty that drawing a shape is a prayer for everything. She expresses with various materials, but mainly uses acrylic. Recently, she has been experimenting with semi-dimensional expressions in order to pursue "art as nature" that blends into the living space.